E-commerce Law

PETLIC has extensive experience in advising to the e-commerce industry. The e-commerce industry is currently one of the industries that is growing most rapidly. Modern online stores must have a policy for processing personal data in compliance with RODO and Omnibus directive. It is also the responsibility of the administrator of an online store to create and make available to users comprehensive rules and regulations, which will include detailed provisions on the principles under which individual services are provided. But that's not all - more and more entrepreneurs are finding out the benefits of permanent legal services for online stores.

How not to get lost in the maze of legal regulations?

There are many legal regulations that representatives of the e-commerce industry, including owners of online stores, should keep in mind. These include, among others:

·     The Law on Consumer Rights,

·     The Law on Provision of ElectronicServices,

·     RODO,

·     Omnibus direcitve,

The legal acts in force in our country are constantly being amended and adapted to current European standards. Keeping track of the changes can be time-consuming, and implementing them requires experience. Do you want to make sure you don't miss any amendments to legal acts? Our legal service for online stores is the answer to your needs!

E-commerce Law