
Our Philosophy

We believe we have a responsibility that is so much more than delivering documents or legal advice. We want to have meaningful, long-lasting relationships with clients. To help them build what they want to build. We hope our clients look back and say, “PETLIC helped us get here.”

To do that, we must innovate. It can be a difficult task to innovate a profession, like law, that has existed for millennia. At PETLIC, we are constantly trying to reinvent what it means to practice law. Honesty and integrity in our actions and full focus on the best interests of our clients is the functioning of everything we do. We are exploring every avenue to make this firm a better place. For our team, for our clients, and for you.

We hope our clients look back and say: “PETLIC helped us get here.”

Petlic is a corporate law firm with a local feel and a global impact. We focus our practice in the areas of:
E-commerce, Technology Law, HR, Construction Law, Clinical Research & Trials/Medical Law and Corporate Transactions.

We pride ourselves in building real relationships with our clients and partnering with them for the long-haul.